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Welcome to Age-Friendly Saskatchewan!

Image of cover of Age-Friendly Saskatchewan Brochure. Has the words Age-Friendly Saskatchewan, five small photos of multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-abilitied people, the words Creating Inclusive Communities, and two more multi-generational photos.
Please click image to access brochure

The purpose of this website is to provide Age-Friendly information and resources for Saskatchewan communities, individuals, businesses and organizations. Age-Friendly Communities is a global movement with a goal of making communities safer, smarter, healthier, happier, more inclusive places for all people to live and thrive. 

An Age-Friendly Community Recognition Program has been introduced in Saskatchewan to recognize communities that undertake activities or create programming to be more inclusive of older adults, leading to communities that are more inclusive of all people.

Why Age-Friendly?

Small image of three older men looking at a laptop computer screen.

Healthier citizens ~ Stronger community connections ~ Safe, vibrant communities ~ Greater opportunities for business ~ Intergenerational – benefits all ages ~ Reduces abuse and isolation

SSM ~ Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism

Age-Friendly Saskatchewan operates under the oversight of SSM (Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism).

SSM is a non-profit, volunteer organization working toward quality of life for all older adults in Saskatchewan

SSM logo with tagline Older Adults Moving Forward
Click image to go to SSM website

We acknowledge that we live and work on the territory of Treaties 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10, and the Homeland of the Métis.

We pay our respects to the traditional caretakers of this land.