Banner for Age-Friendly Saskachewan ABOUT section. Black background on left, with ABOUT in uppercase white letters. Right side shows a diverse group of people sitting in a circle, applauding an older woman standing in their midst.

About Age-Friendly Saskatchewan

Most of these logos are live hyperlinks.

Click on the logo for the Community Page.

Age-Friendly Pasqua First Nation logo
Age-Friendly Yorkton logo
Banner showing partial map of Saskatchewan in purple, with "you are there" icon with center of Age-Friendly Saskatchewan logo zigzags. The same teal, purple and pink zigzags are a large image on the right side. Wording is Communities on the Age-Friendly Journey.

In 2012, SSM (Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism) began working toward developing the Age-Friendly program in Saskatchewan. Initial plans were gradually built on in the following few years.

This included SSM becoming the primary Saskatchewan link to the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) Age-Friendly Reference Group.

SSM’s annual conference in 2014 explored what an Age-Friendly community is and worked to identify the connection between Age-Friendly communities and reducing elder abuse.

Using the 8 Domains of the World Health Organization (WHO) along with the Milestones set up by the Public Health Agency of Canada, they developed a strong program that continues to grow to the present day.

Click any logo to go to that Age-Friendly Community’s page on this site. New logos will be added as new communities join the Age-Friendly journey.

In Age-Friendly Communities,

the contributions of older adults

are not only recognized and valued,

but are encouraged

and seen as vital.

With active leadership

and involvement of older adults,

Age-Friendly brings a new ‘lens’ to

seeing our communities

so we become ‘all ages friendly.’

“If it serves older persons, it will serve all persons.”