Banner for Age-Friendly Saskachewan ABOUT section. Black background on left, with ABOUT in uppercase white letters. Right side shows a diverse group of people sitting in a circle, applauding an older woman standing in their midst.

About SSM (Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism)

Age-Friendly Saskatchewan was begun by forward-thinking planners at SSM, and continues to operate under the oversight of SSM.

SSM was formed in 1990 to bring seniors’ organizations across the province under one “umbrella.”

PowerPoint slide of SSM Vision with SSM logo in top right, Dark blue background, stylized map of Saskatchewan created from green letters SSM
PowerPoint slide indicating Key areas of work to address issues related to positive aging in Saskatchewan. Graphic of jigsaw puzzle with four interlocking pieces labeled Age-Friendly Saskatchewan, Home Supports, Social Prescribing and Facilitating Independence
Power point slide showing areas of SSM work, with words surrounding a jigsaw puzzle image. In the 4 pieces of the puzzle are the four main facets of SSM work: Age-Friendly Saskatchewan, Home Supports, Social Prescribing, and Facilitating Independence.

To learn more about SSM’s work, click on these live links:

Home Supports (Age-Friendly Housing Domain)

Social Prescribing (Age-Friendly Community Support & Health Services Domain)

Social Inclusion (Age-Friendly Social Participation and Respect & Social Inclusion Domains)

Ageism Awareness (Age-Friendly Communication & Information Domain)

Gray Matters (Age-Friendly Communication & Information Domain) (has an Age-Friendly article in every issue)

Other Programs

To learn more about SSM in general, click here.

To learn about SSM work in the last decade: Click here for a brief overview.

“If it serves older persons, it will serve all persons.”