Banner for Age-Friendly Saskachewan ABOUT section. Black background on left, with ABOUT in uppercase white letters. Right side shows a diverse group of people sitting in a circle, applauding an older woman standing in their midst.

About the Global and Canadian Age-Friendly Movement


Click on the timeline image above to access a full-page downloadable/printable PDF

8 Domains Identified by the World Health Organization (WHO)

Whether the community is Moosomin, Moose Jaw, Montréal, Madrid or Melbourne, the basic domains are the same.

Click image above for PDF
  • Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
  • Transportation
  • Housing
  • Social Participation
  • Respect & Social Inclusion
  • Civic Participation & Employment
  • Communication & Information
  • Community Support & Health Services

Age-Friendly Milestones

The Milestones developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) are the steps followed in every community on their journey to becoming more Age-Friendly.

Below is the way Age-Friendly Saskatchewan interprets and uses the Milestones.

Age-Friendly Community Milestones graphic. Rectangles of teal, pink, light teal, and purple each with one of the milestones written on the rectangle, surround a circle with words about record-keeping and evaluation. Arrows between the rectangles have points on both ends, showing that the movement between milestones is ongoing and non-linear.
Click image above for PDF

Age-Friendly Community Milestones:

  • Establish and maintain an Age-Friendly Committee
  • Secure the support of your Municipal Governments
  • Assess the Community to determine needs for future Age-Friendly initiatives
  • Develop, publicize and implement an Action Plan

Continuous record-keeping and evaluation for all Milestones and Age-Friendly Initiatives.

Click here to read the full

“History of the Age-Friendly Movement in Saskatchewan”

document in PDF format.

“If it serves older persons, it will serve all persons.”