Banner image for Age-Friendly Communication and Information domain page. Left side has black background with the words Age-Friendly Domains above the words Communication and Information. On right side of banner is image of two older women and two older men smiling and chatting as they look at something on a laptop computer.

In an Age-Friendly community, people are aware of the diverse range of programs and services available within their community. This information about what’s happening in the community is accessible, readable and understandable. The ways the information is shared includes those who are isolated, have challenges with reading, or have other access challenges. Information needs to be shared in both print and electronic formats, to ensure that all have access.

In the sections below, you will see examples of what Age-Friendly Saskatchewan communities are doing in this domain. For each example, there is a link to that community’s individual page and to their contact details, for more information.

Thumbnail photo of many file folders in a file drawer. The folder at the front has a label that reads Contacts. Caption is Community Directory.

Age-Friendly Shaunavon has produced a Directory of Services, Spring 2023 edition, and will have an update ready for distribution by January 2024. Click here for contact details.

Age-Friendly Moose Jaw has created a Resource Guide for Seniors. The PDF is available on their Community page. Click here for contact details.

Age-Friendly Regina has updated their directory, Age Well Regina, and has produced a four-part  directory of Regina and area services for older adults, A Guide for Aging Well in Regina. It is available on their Community Page on this website.

Age-Friendly Strasbourg produced a Community Resource List for newcomers. To contact Age-Friendly Strasbourg for more information, go to their Community Page on this website.

SCOA publishes an annual Directory of Services and Social Activities for Older Adults with over 100 pages of resources for older adults and community agencies. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Saskatoon/SCOA are on their page on this website

Thumbnail photo of laptop computer with Zoom screen, with a coffee cup nearby. Caption is Educational Webinars

Age-Friendly Rosetown presented on how to start and sustain an Age-Friendly program in rural settings for the Alberta Age-Friendly Community of Practice webinar in November 2019. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

In Ponteix, presentations through Webinaire, both available through home computers and at the school after hours, were available for seniors on topics such as social funding, nursing homes, safety at home, and other topics. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Ponteix are on their Community Page on this website.

SCOA hosts monthly meetings and webinars to assist older adults to stay informed about community services, issues that impact their lives and lifestyle enrichment options. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Saskatoon/SCOA are on their page on this website

Thumbnail photo of older man speaking into a megaphone. Caption is Events.

Communication about Events: Age-Friendly Strasbourg/Rec Board members attend events at seniors’ facilities and tell groups about upcoming events. Hand-outs are also used to spread the word. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Strasbourg are on their Community Page on this website.

Volunteer Information Fair: Age-Friendly Strasbourg held a Community Volunteer Information Fair with volunteer organizations from Strasbourg and surrounding area providing information, and with presentations from the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, the Red Cross, and the Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism. This was a joint project with the Strasbourg Recreation Board. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Strasbourg are on their Community Page on this website.

Thumbnail photo of colourful graphics. Caption is Infographics.

Infographics present information in brief, memorable sections highlighted by graphic art and colour. Age-Friendly Regina created an infographic to summarize the final report from their community assessment. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Regina are on their Community Page on this website.

Learning Opportunities Thumbnail. Image is of four diverse, smiling men and women. Caption is Learning Opportunities with white print on teal.

“Six Stages of Retirement” Workshop presented by Age-Friendly Saskatoon will explore the various stages of retirement and will raise awareness of factors that contribute to healthy aging during retirement. Click here for contact details

“Digital Literacy for Older Adults” Workshop presented by Age-Friendly Saskatoon outlines the importance of being digitally literate in today’s society. Click here for contact details.

“Keeping Your Money Safe: Avoid Scams and Frauds” Workshop presented by Age-Friendly Saskatoon outlines the most common types of frauds and scams targeting older adults, explores steps to take if you have been a victim, and provides steps to take to avoid being a victim of fraud or scams. Click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of Age-Friendly Saskatchewan newsletter on a computer tablet with people's hands pointing at things on the screen. Caption is Newsletters.

Age-Friendly Regina creates a multi-page newsletter and distributes it periodically (online). It is also linked on their Community Page on the Age-Friendly Saskatchewan website. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Regina are on their Community Page on this website.

Age-Friendly Rosetown produces a newsletter twice a year and distributes it through local businesses and seniors’ housing buildings. It is linked on their Community Page on the Age-Friendly Saskatchewan website. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

Thumbnail photo of an older man sitting at a table, a wheelchair nearby. He is reading the newspaper. Caption is Newspaper Articles.

Age-Friendly Moose Jaw submits articles to local Moose Jaw Express newspaper to support ongoing education on topics relevant to Older Adults. Contribution to articles is supported by committee members and relevant agencies/stakeholders offering expertise. For links to some of the articles, or for contact details, see the Age-Friendly Moose Jaw  Community Page on this website.

Age-Friendly Moosomin frequently submits articles, photos, posters, and ads to the local Moosomin World Spectator newspaper. You can see a representative sampling of the articles on their Community page. Click here for contact details

Age-Friendly Shaunavon also has a great relationship with local print media. They frequently submit articles, photos, posters, etc. to their local newspaper. You can see a representative sampling of the articles on their Community page. Click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of a stack of holiday cards in envelopes, with more cards and a pen beside them. Caption is Seasonal Communications.

Community Greeting Board: Displaying a seasonal greeting board at the Rosetown Post Office is a long-standing tradition in the community. Together, Age-Friendly Rosetown and the Lions Club administer the program to raise awareness of their organizations, raise funds to share between the two organizations, and provide the community a location to express their greetings. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

Thumbnail photo of cellphone screen showing many social media icons. Caption is Social Media/Electronic Communication

Emergency Alert System: Age-Friendly Shaunavon hosted the Town of Shaunavon Communications Officer who spoke about the new Voyent alert platform. Click here for contact details.

Facebook: Several Age-Friendly communities now have Facebook pages. Check the individual Community Pages to find the links in the right sidebar.

Text and Email Communication System: Age-Friendly Rosetown keeps the community up-to-date on Age-Friendly and community information through their text/email notification system. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

Website: Age-Friendly Regina launched their website in 2024. Click here for the link, and for contact details.

Age-Friendly Moose Jaw has a website of their own, as well as space on the City of Moose Jaw website. For contact details, see the Age-Friendly Moose Jaw  Community Page on this website.


Webpage on Town Website: Age-Friendly Shaunavon has a webpage on the Town of Shaunavon website. Click here for contact details.

Age-Friendly Rosetown has a webpage on the Town of Rosetown website. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

SCOA provides an iPad lending library for older adults to borrow a device along with easy-to-use manuals to learn at their own pace and on their own time. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Saskatoon/SCOA are on their page on this website

Thumbnail of two older people reading newspaper. Caption is Special Issue Communications

Cannabis Information: Age-Friendly Rosetown has distributed a publication by Active Aging Canada titled “Cannabis and Older Adults.” For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

Thumbnail photo of puzzle with different ethnically-diverse people in each piece, and part of the Age-Friendly logo in the centre. Caption is Working with Other Groups.

Age-Friendly Rosetown connects with the Town of Rosetown, businesses, health services, organizations, etc. to jointly develop and improve information sharing and advocacy participation. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Rosetown are on their Community Page on this website.

The City of Saskatoon Fire Department offers a program called “Remembering When” – a National Fire Prevention Association program that uses nostalgia to promote fire safety and fall prevention. For more information, contact details for Age-Friendly Saskatoon/SCOA are on their page on this website