Banner image for Age-Friendly Respect and Social Inclusion domain page. Left side has black background with the words Age-Friendly Domains above the words Respect and Social Inclusion. On right side of banner is image of two young women on either side of an older man as they all look at something on a computer.

In an Age-Friendly community, public services, media, commercial services, faith communities and civil society are respectful of the diversity of the needs among citizens, including older adults, and are willing to accommodate them in all aspects of society.

In the sections below, you will see examples of what Age-Friendly Saskatchewan communities are doing in this domain. For each example, there is a link to that community’s individual page and to their contact details, for more information.

You may also find the SSM/Age-Friendly Saskatchewan resource LET NO ONE BE ALONE helpful. You may access it at this link.

Thumbnail photo of an older woman putting a holiday card into a red envelope. Caption is Communication Projects.

Ageism Calendar: Age-Friendly Strasbourg partnered with Bulyea Elementary School and had teachers ask students to draw pictures of what they thought of when they pictured grandparents/seniors. Age-Friendly Strasbourg will use these pictures to make a calendar to be given to our seniors as well as one to be displayed at the school. Click here for contact details.

Letters to Isolated Older Adults: Age-Friendly Moose Jaw created an email address where they receive and screen generic letters of support & encouragement, scanned pictures, etc. from the public. Participating assisted living centers, care homes, and retirement communities then receive weekly emails with compiled content to print and post, or share with all residents as they see fit. Click here for contact details.

Cheer-Up Boxes: In May 2022, Age-Friendly Moose Jaw supported Salvation Army Moose Jaw, Community and Family Services in successful application to United Way COVID-19 Seniors Response Grant for funding to support purchase and development of Senior Care Packages and Activity Kits that were distributed by Moose Jaw Housing Authority to at-risk seniors. Click here for contact details.

Greeting Cards: In 2020, Age-Friendly Rosetown held a Christmas Card drive, with overwhelming support from the community, sending greetings to residents of Rose Villa, Orange Memories and Wheatland Regional Centre. Click here for contact details.

Intergenerational Penpals: Age-Friendly Strasbourg had a successful pen pal project between youth and seniors. To read a newspaper article about this project, or to contact Age-Friendly Strasbourg, click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of a ramp alongside five steps in the hallway of a building. Caption is Event Accessibility.

Parking: Under Age-Friendly Strasbourg’s guidance, specific event parking is set up for people needing to park closer to the program area. People help at events with elevator assists. Click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of older First Nations man listening to a discussion. Caption is First Nations/Reconciliation.

Land Acknowledgement: AF Regina has added a Land Acknowledgement to their Community Page on the Age-Friendly Saskatchewan website, and includes a Land Acknowledgement in their newsletter. Click here for contact details.

Reconciliation Events: Age-Friendly Strasbourg has hosted Reconciliation Events. Click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of five ethnically diverse older people, three men and two women, raising their hands in the air in triumph, standing behind a large sign that has the word Fundraising in the centre, and the words Give, Hope, Friendship, Inspire in the corners of the sign. Caption is Fundraisers.

Age-Friendly Rosetown holds fundraisers to assist local seniors-centred programs, such as the Seniors’ Centre and the Rose Villa landscaping project. Click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of younger man presenting a large container of fruits and vegetables to an older woman at her front door. Caption is Isolation and Food Security.

Partner organizations (SHA, Moose Jaw Literacy, Family Service Bureau, Community Living Division, Moose Jaw Express, Salvation Army) were called on to address isolation and food insecurity April 2020 and September 2021 which led to sustainable change as it applied to needs of seniors during the pandemic. Click here for contact details.

Learning Opportunities Thumbnail. Image is of four diverse, smiling men and women. Caption is Learning Opportunities with white print on purple.

“Ageism: What is it? What are its impacts? How to combat it” Workshop: Age-Friendly Saskatoon held this workshop to provide education and awareness training on how attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about aging and older adults can contribute to ageism in our society. Click here for contact details

“Abuse of Older Adults: How to recognize it and what you can do about it” Workshop presented by Age-Friendly Saskatoon focuses on the nature of older adult abuse: how to recognize abuse, how to prevent it, and how to reach out to an older person experiencing abuse. Click here for contact details.

Thumbnail photo of smiling older woman holding up a card that says Thank You in large letters. Caption is Seniors Appreciation Events.

Toast to Seniors: Beginning in 2018, Age-Friendly Rosetown partnered with Rosetown and District Health Centre to hold Toast to Seniors events, providing breakfast and/or entertainment for seniors in care homes and the seniors’ centre. Click here for contact details.

Harvest Festival Royalty: To acknowledge that all seniors are community royalty, Age-Friendly Rosetown partnered with the Rosetown Museum to name a King and Queen from the community seniors (and Prince and Princess from the community youth) for the annual Harvest Festival. Click here for contact details.