Banner image for Age-Friendly Humboldt Community Page. Left side is teal-coloured map section with "you are there" icon that includes the zigzags of the Age-Friendly Saskatchewan logo. Icon points to location of Humboldt on map. Humboldt is typed over the map image. On right side of banner is image of town hall.

Humboldt is a family-oriented, culturally active community with a population of 6,033. It is located in the heart of Saskatchewan, one hour east of the city of Saskatoon. This thriving city serves a rural population of over 30,000, comprising the Rural Municipalities of St. Peter’s, Humboldt, and Wolverine.

Age-Friendly Committee Members

L-R: Deb Tokarski, Cori Norman, Faye Johnson, Laurie Lidgren, Christine Baron, AF SK Liaison Brenda Curtis (missing: Gerald Baron & Roger Nordick)


Committee members:

Agnes Pratchler

Chris Baron (Secretary)

Cori Norman

Deb Tokarski

Faye Johnson

Gerald Baron

Laurie Lidgren (President)

Roger Nordick

AF SK Liaison: Brenda Curtis

Community Organizations Supporting the Age-Friendly Committee
  • Humboldt Interagency
  • City of Humboldt
  • Safe Communities
  • Reid-Thompson Library (Public Library)
Mission Statement & Values

Mission: To facilitate life for all ages to strengthen our community by becoming safer, healthier, happier, and more inclusive.

Values: Independence, Supports & Services, Community Engagement, Access & Inclusion of All, Intergenerational, Respect.

Slogan: All Ages Friendly

Review, Refine, Promote

Tide lifts all the ships!

Milestone #1: Year Formed

Formed in April, 2019

Met with Linda Anderson from SSM in November, 2019

Milestone #2: Municipal Government Support
Motion passed in February, 2021.
This is to advise that Council for the City of Humboldt at their Regular Meeting held February 22, 2021 passed the following resolution:
BE IT RESOLVED: That the City of Humboldt recognizes the Age-Friendly Committee (Humboldt) and that the City will continue to support an inclusive community and work to assess and improve accessibility and inclusion of older persons, persons with disabilities, children and youth and for the community as a whole.
Milestone #3: Community Assessment

The Community Assessment was conducted in September 2020. 

Click here for a PDF of the survey.

Click here for a PDF chart of the survey responses.

Milestone #4: Action Plan
  • Business Checklist: for the business sector to use as reference when establishing services or infrastructure upgrades to existing place of business.
  • Events/Programs Checklist: for non-profits, organizations and agencies to review when planning community special events and programs that could and would involve seniors attending, while also providing resources and information to enhance senior attendance.
  • Senior Recognition Awards: Individual or group nominations that would encourage and develop interest in volunteering within the community. Recipients would be promoted and recognized as role models and leaders within the community. Categories include Volunteerism, Lifetime Achievement, Senior-Friendly Business
  • Transportation Lobbying: presently a study is being led by the City of Humboldt
  • Bathroom-Friendly Stores: Lobbying stores to allow patrons to utilize their washroom facilities.
Current Work

Transportation: Transportation Study being conducted. Submitted survey that was done by Age-Friendly Humboldt. Participated in Study. Presently waiting for Study results.

Civic Participation & Employment: Senior Volunteer Recognition Awards, Business Checklist, Special Event/Program Checklist

Communication & Information: Setting up Facebook Page and developing a brochure

Community Support & Health Services: Bathroom-Friendly Stores

Senior Resource Centre: initiating process to create this.


Here are several online articles detailing some of Age-Friendly Humboldt’s work over the years, with most recent at the top.

~ From Discover Humboldt website, dated November 25, 2022, “Humboldt Works Toward Supporting Seniors as Age-Friendly Community.” Click here for article.

~ From Sask Today website, dated March 12, 2021, “Communication, Transportation, Top Issues for Humboldt Seniors Committee,” highlighting survey results. Click here for article.

~ From Discover Humboldt website, dated Feb 26, 2021, “City Council Gives Go-Ahead for Age-Friendly Humboldt.” Click here for article.

~ From Discover Humboldt website, dated September 10, 2020, “Humboldt Works Toward Supporting Seniors as Age-Friendly Community.” Click here for article. 

~ From Sask Today website, September 10, 2020, “Humboldt Seeking Senior Residents’ Input.” Click here for article.

Town of Humboldt logo. Includes words Humboldt: Heart of it All.

Age-Friendly Humboldt Contacts:

Cori Norman


Age-Friendly Saskatchewan Liaison: 

Brenda Curtis

On the Web:

Age-Friendly Humboldt Facebook

City of Humboldt website