The town of Kipling is located along Highway 48 in southeast Saskatchewan, equidistant from Regina, Yorkton and Estevan. Moose Mountain Provincial Park lies to the south and the Qu’Appelle Valley to the north. Named for the English author Rudyard Kipling and incorporated as a village in 1909, Kipling grew to become a town on January 1, 1954. Homesteaders of different nationalities settled in the area, notably British, German, Scottish, Hungarian and Scandinavian, building an active trading centre and community.

The population of Kipling, (2021 census) is 1076. The rural population serviced is approximately 640. The two surrounding RM’s (RM of Kingsley #124 and RM of Hazelwood #94 actively support the recreational infrastructure and activities of the town. 

Kipling is a thriving community and offers business and retail services and recreational facilities for all ages as well as full health care services. Economic activities in the area include farming, oil exploration, and hog production.

Since 2007, Kipling has been the Home of the World’s Largest Paper Clip.

The Saskatchewan Government, represented by The Hon. Everett Hindley, Minister of Seniors, recognized Kipling & District as an Age-Friendly Community at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building on November 22, 2022. 

The community had completed four Age-Friendly milestones: establishing an Age-Friendly Committee, achieving local government support, assessing the community, and implementing an action plan to achieve this honour.

An article celebrating this achievement was published in the Kipling Klipper on December 1, 2022. Click here for the PDF.

Photo of Age-Friendly Kipling committee members, SSM representatives, and Saskatchewan Government minister, at Age-Friendly Recognition ceremony at Saskatchewan Legislature.
(left to right: Randy Dove, President, Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism; Deborah Nordal – Kipling & District Age-Friendly Committee; Colby Sproat, Councillor – Town of Kipling; Susan Hengen – Kipling & District Age-Friendly Committee; Jamie Husband, Reeve – Rural Municipality of Hazelwood; Hon. Everett Hindley, Minister of Seniors, Government of Saskatchewan; Doug Still, Chair Age-Friendly Saskatchewan)
Age-Friendly Committee Members

Joanne O’Sullivan – Chairperson

Don Johnson, Councillor – Town of Kipling

Deborah Nordal

Alix Baerwald (SHA)

Laurie Dube

Austin Vargo (Leisure Services Manager)

Community Organizations Supporting the Age-Friendly Committee
  • Town of Kipling
  • R.M. of Kingsley
  • R.M. of Hazelwood
  • Kipling Public Library Board
  • Kipling Friendship Club
  • Kipling and District Lions Club
Milestone #1: Year Formed

Kipling & District Age-Friendly Committee was formed in 2019.

Terms of Reference

Milestone #2: Municipal Government Support

Our name, Kipling & District Age-Friendly Committee, reflects our support from surrounding municipalities as well as the Town of Kipling, and our commitment to town and rural.


The Town of Kipling, Rural Municipality of Kingsley and Rural Municipality of Hazelwood have all passed resolutions to support Kipling in becoming an Age-Friendly Community.

Town of Kipling: from letter dated March 12, 2019

The Council of the Town of Kipling recognizes that strong community connections through the inclusion of all its community members play a strong role in keeping our community active and healthy and are pleased to support the Age Friendly Communities program through the following motion:

Be it resolved that: The Town of Kipling will actively participate, support and work to assess and improve the accessibility and inclusion for older persons, those with disabilities, children and youth in all aspects of community life.

Rural Municipality of Kingsley No. 124: from a letter dated April 1, 2019

Council passed the following resolution at their March, 2019 council meeting:

Be it resolved that the R.M. of Kingsley No. 124 will actively participate, support and work to assess and improve accessibility and inclusion for older persons, persons with disabilities, children and youth in all aspects of community life.    Carried.

Rural Municipality of Hazelwood No. 94: from a letter dated March 20, 2019

This is to advise that the following resolution, in support of Age Friendly Communities, was passed by the Council for the Rural Municipality of Hazelwood No. 94 at their March 7, 2019 regular council meeting:

Age Friendly Communities Resolution of Support

That the Rural Municipality of Hazelwood No. 94 will actively participate, support and work to assess and improve accessibility and inclusion for older persons, persons with disabilities, children and youth in all aspects of community life.    Carried.

Milestone #3: Community Assessment

Community assessment using the Age-Friendly Assessment Tool (click for PDF) was conducted in March 2019, with 179 respondents. A Focus Group was also used in the assessment process.

The Assessment Tool was distributed to Kipling Friendship Club, residents of Rudyard Manor, residents of Willow Heights retirement apartments, staff at Kipling Integrated Health Centre, community businesses, senior students and staff at Kipling School, Kipling and District Lions Club, and Kipling & District Parks and Recreation Board.

Survey Summary

Focus Group Survey Results

Milestone #4: Action Plan

The Community Action Plan was developed on May 3, 2021. This action plan includes

  • Add benches to the downtown area
  • Increase availability of public washrooms in community
  • Advocate for mobility-friendly public facilities
  • Improve transportation and transportation-related services
  • Increase communication of events and services within the community
  • Increase volunteer recruitment of older adults, and celebrate success
  • Assist with communication of Health and Community Supports

The Action Plan was posted on the Town of Kipling website, and was distributed to Kipling Friendship Club, Rudyard Manor residents, Willow Heights residents, Kipling Health Centre staff, Kipling School, businesses throughout the community, and the Kipling & District Lions Club.

Action Plan PDF

Previous Accomplishments

Updated April 2024

Outdoor Spaces & Buildings:

  • Entrance at arena has been renovated to make it accessible.
  • Outdoor downtown patio is completed and is enjoyed by all ages. (See photo in Photo section.)
  • Washrooms open to the public are available throughout the community at seasonal facilities from May 1 to October 1 annually.
  • Town of Kipling Leisure Services and Council are in the engineering stage of renovations to the entrance to Kipling Arena, which includes consideration for mobility-challenged individuals (project is also funded by Rural Municipalities of Kingsley and Hazelwood).
  • Town of Kipling Council have provided parking spots reserved for the Kipling Handivan in central spots in downtown Kipling
  • Additional volunteer drivers (seniors) have been recruited for the Kipling Handivan in hopes of adding an additional day of service each week.
Current Work

Updated April 2024:

Communication & Information:

  • We are in the process of compiling a Community Directory.



  • The Kipling & District Age-Friendly Committee, the Kipling Library Board and the Town of Kipling Council have partnered to plan a Main Street Patio – to provide an inclusive, pleasant and restful space for all to gather, and to assist in the revitalization of the downtown area.

Kipling Klipper article, December 1, 2022, about the Recognition of Kipling & District can be read at this link.

Age-Friendly Kipling & District Contacts:

Don Johnson

Contact email:

Age-Friendly Saskatchewan Liaison: 

To be determined

On the Web:

Town of Kipling


Paved area between two buildings with five circular picnic tables, two under a shade roof. Kipling.
Outdoor downtown patio