Banner image for Age-Friendly Regina Community Page. Left side is teal-coloured map section with "you are there" icon that includes the zigzags of the Age-Friendly Saskatchewan logo. Icon points to location of Regina on map. Regina is typed over the map image. On right side of banner is an image of downtown Regina.

Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan. It is the 16th largest city in Canada with a population of 230,725 distributed over: visible minority groups (20%), aboriginal groups (10%) and European groups (70%). There are 10 wards and 29 defined neighbourhoods within the city. The city covers an area of 118.4 square kilometers and is surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Sherwood. There are ten bedroom communities accessing some city services. Regina provides major health services for the southern portion of the province.

Image of Zoom meeting of Age-Friendly Regina members, with members' faces, and an image of Wascana Lake looking across to the Legislative Building.
Age-Friendly Regina Committee meeting via Zoom

The Saskatchewan Government, represented by The Hon. Everett Hindley, Minister of Seniors, recognized Regina as an Age-Friendly Community at the Saskatchewan Legislative Building on November 22, 2022. 

The community had completed four Age-Friendly milestones: establishing an Age-Friendly Committee, achieving local government support, assessing the community, and implementing an action plan to achieve this honour.

Photo of Age-Friendly Regina committee members, SSM representatives, and Saskatchewan government minister at presentation of Age-Friendly Recognition at Saskatchewan Legislature.
(left to right: Back row: Randy Dove, SSM; Hon. Gene Makowsky, Minister of Social Services, MLA Regina Gardiner Park, Government of Saskatchewan Middle row: Representing Age-Friendly Regina: Kathryn Smart, Chelsea Brown, Lindsay Bzdel, Sylvie O’Callaghan, Alynn Skalicky; Lori Bresciani, Regina City Councillor; Doug Still, Age-Friendly Saskatchewan; Ritu Kalra and Richard Marcotte, Age-Friendly Regina Front row: Hon. Everett Hindley, Minister for Seniors, Government of Saskatchewan; André Nogue, Linda Pratt, Robert Wuschenny, Age-Friendly Regina)

Age-Friendly Regina acknowledges that we are on traditional lands of the Treaty 4 Territory, the original lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Age-Friendly Committee Members

Age-Friendly Regina is composed of two committees, the Steering Committee and the Stakeholders. The Stakeholders are listed in the “Community Organizations Supporting the Age-Friendly Committee” tab.

The Steering Committee has the authority to:

  • Assess Regina to identify Age-Friendly related community needs
  • Form task groups to address particular focus areas
  • Ally with organizations and individuals for the purpose of meeting the goals of Age-Friendly Regina
  • When needed, represent Age-Friendly Regina to funding agencies
  • Maintain communication with and provide regular updates to Stakeholders

Age-Friendly Regina is pleased to have a partnership with University of Regina to work with the Student Volunteer Centre to advertise positions for University students to work with Age-Friendly Regina.  We are pleased to welcome two students:  Huong Nguyen has joined the Steering Committee both to learn about the functioning of Steering Committees and to bring a younger person’s viewpoint to committee work;  Tanzima Taslim has joined the FIG Project team working with the project manager in a mentorship role. She brings the viewpoint of a newcomer to Canada to our project.

Age-Friendly Regina Steering Committee:

  • Jeanne Alexander (Community Citizen)
  • Lori Bresciani, City of Regina, Councillor, Ward 4
  • Lindsay Bzdel, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Health Promotion
  • Gretta Lynn Ell, Community Citizen
  • Richard Marcotte, Community Citizen
  • Huong Nguyen (University of Regina Student)
  • André Nogue, Community Citizen
  • Sylvie O’Callaghan, Community Citizen
  • Mavis Olesen, Community Citizen
  • Linda Pratt, Age-Friendly Saskatchewan Liaison
  • Alice Samkoe, Community Citizen
  • Alynn Skalicky, City of Regina, Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services, Consultant – Social Inclusion
  • Kathryn Smart, University of Regina, Centre on Aging and Health
  • Andrew Stevens, City of Regina, Councillor, Ward 3
  • Susan T. Wood, Community Citizen
Community Organizations Supporting the Age-Friendly Committee

The Stakeholders have the authority to:

  • Provide suggestions, inputs and consultancy to Age-Friendly Regina Steering Committee
  • Provide community support for Age-Friendly Regina Steering Committee initiatives
  • Potentially serve on task groups
  • Attend semi-annual information sharing gatherings, as possible

Age-Friendly Regina Stakeholders:

  • Ryan Bahan, Eden Care
  • Erica Beaudin, Regina Treaty/Status Indian Services
  • Michelle Buhay, Eden Care
  • Cindy Covey, Regina Senior Citizens’ Centre
  • Alice Gaveronski, Northgate Walkers
  • Joyce Hoffman, Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan, Regina Chapter
  • Danielle Josephson, William Booth Special Care Home, Nurse
  • Ritu Kalra, Regina Immigrant Women
  • Millicent Mabi, Regina Public Library
  • Marisol Molina-Smith, Forever in Motion
  • Faith Myers, Regina Housing Authority
  • Stu Niebergall, Regina & Region Home Builders Association
  • Regina Downtown Improvement District
  • Kathy Rodger, Lawson Aquatic Centre, Advisory Committee
  • Nicole Shepherd, Regina Chamber of Commerce
  • Dave Slater, City of Regina, Manager, City Projects
  • Cathy Theriault, Regina Senior Citizens’ Centre
  • Marj Thiessen, Seniors University Group, President
  • Andrea Toogood, SHA Health Educator
  • Michelle Zulyniak, Eden Care
Milestone #1: Year Formed

The Age-Friendly Regina Committee was formed in 2018.

Terms of Reference pdf

Milestone #2: Municipal Government Support

Regina City Council, at its meeting held on April 29, 2021 considered the report and unanimously adopted the following resolution that City Council: “Endorse the request of the Age-Friendly Regina Committee for the City of Regina to become an Age-Friendly community by participating, supporting, promoting, and working to assess and improve inclusion and accessibility for individuals of all ages.”

Milestone #3: Community Assessment

Date of Survey:

Revised Survey: January 2023. This is the survey that should be completed, January 2023 and forward. Also linked in sidebar.

Link to Revised Survey: Click here to access survey form.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Initial Survey: April, 2019. Now completed. The following are for information purposes only.

Link to Initial Survey: Click here to access survey form

Analysis of Survey results: Click here for PDF 

Infographic: Click here for PDF

Milestone #4: Action Plan

The initial action plan of Age-Friendly Regina includes brief notes on Age Well, the City resolution, Age-Friendly Regina information for the Age-Friendly website, housing fall prevention, diversifying the survey responses, and future priorities. You can see the Action Plan Grid pdf here.

Previous Accomplishments

Updated April 2024:

  1. 2022 Goals, which includes improving visibility of Age-Friendly Regina in the community, implementation of City of Regina Age-Friendly Checklist, gathering information from the community, expanding and engaging stakeholders/supporters, and the Snow Angels Program (snow ploughing). You can view the 2022 Goals pdf here.
  2. Future Goals include work on housing availability and wait times, Age-Friendly businesses, and internal governance goals. You can view the Future Goals pdf here.

There are two PDFs linked in this tab.

  1. The Previous Accomplishments grid shows brief notes on the snow removal project, the Age Well document, housing needs, Older Adults Safety and Wellbeing, communication plans, etc. You can view the Previous Accomplishments grid pdf here.
  2. The document listing 2021 goals includes planned work on the motion of endorsement from City Council, adding an “Age-Friendly Lens” to city planning, expanding survey distribution, new Age-Friendly Regina structure, and long-term goals of creating a resource pool of older adults, assisting older adults to locate services, and potential financial options. You can view the 2021 Goals document pdf here.
Current Work

2024 Goals include:

  1. Gather information
    • Ongoing community survey
    • Partners and allies
  1. Ensure greater access to Aging Well in Regina guides
    • Offering the guides in more languages
    • Working with our community partners to make it easier for people to find and use the guides
  1. Create a website that is meaningful and easy to use
  1. Become better known in Regina
    • Our newsletter
    • Presentations
    • Information sessions
    • Interviews
    • Work with other community groups

Age-Friendly Regina has created several resources. Click the links below to see the resources:

Age-Friendly Regina Current Survey, January 2023 and following. The Age-Friendly Regina Committee is inviting responses to its Age-Friendly Community Survey. This survey will help the Committee assess the supports, and challenges faced by older adults in Regina. An age friendly community is one that provides support for everyone to “age actively” – that is to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society. We are looking to have an inclusive and representative response, so we encourage all adults to respond. The answers to the survey will help the Committee advocate for the needs of Regina’s population. All responses are confidential.  This survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. For more information on the survey, please contact

Age-Friendly Regina Initial Survey. COMPLETED. For information only. The Age-Friendly Regina Committee is inviting responses to its Age-Friendly Community Survey. This survey will help the Committee assess the supports, and challenges faced by older adults in Regina. An age-friendly community is one that provides support for everyone to “age actively” – that is to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society. We are looking to have an inclusive and representative response, so we encourage all adults to respond. The answers to the survey will help the Committee advocate for the needs of Regina’s population. All responses are confidential.  This survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. For more information on the survey, please contact 

Infographic summarizing final report from community assessment

Age-Friendly Regina/City of Regina “Age-Friendly Regina Lens” checklist (pending)

Current Stakeholder communication (pending)

Past Issues of Age-Friendly Regina Newsletter

The current issue of the Age-Friendly Regina newsletter is always linked in the sidebar to the right. Click on the Newsletter image to access it.

Click on the dates below to access previous issues of the Age-Friendly Regina newsletter.

May 2o24

October 2023

May 2023

May 2022

November 2022

December 2022


Regina Leader-Post article dated January 12, 2023 mentions Age-Friendly Regina and the Snow Angels program. Click here to read the article.

Age-Friendly Regina Contacts:

André Nogue

Alice Samkoe

Age-Friendly Regina Committee Email: 

Age-Friendly Saskatchewan Liaison: 

Linda Pratt

On the Web:

City of Regina website

Age-Friendly Regina website

Age-Friendly Regina Facebook Page

A Guide for Aging Well in Regina: Resource for Older Adults in Regina

Age-Friendly Regina has recently produced a four-part directory to services for older adults in Regina, called collectively A Guide for Aging Well in Regina. Click the image below to go to the directory page on their website where you can access the four parts of the directory in several languages.

Image is a small thumbnail of a folded newspaper on a computer keyboard. The caption is Newsletter.
Click above for AF Regina Newsletter

Updated Survey!

The Age Friendly Regina Committee invites responses to its Age Friendly Community Survey. Simply click the survey image.

For more information, please contact


Photo of four women standing at a display table with Age-Friendly Communities banner behind them. Age-Friendly Regina members providing information at Regina Public Library
Age-Friendly Regina at the Health and Wellness Fair for Seniors hosted by the Regina Public Library on March 23, 2024. L-R: Jeanne Alexander, Sylvie O'Callaghan, Susan Wood, and Alice Samkoe
Women in hijabs talking to man at Age-Friendly Regina information table. AgeFriendlyRegina provided information on the translated Guides to Aging Well in Regina and website, to newcomers at the Regina Open Door Society Health Fair.
Age-Friendly Regina provided information on the translated Guides to Aging Well in Regina and website, to newcomers at the Regina Open Door Society Health Fair (November 2024)