Age-Friendly Regina

Regina Age-Friendly Survey report and related infographics are available below to download.  As well, Age-Friendly Regina has produced a very useful guide for Regina older adults, providing information about programs, resources and services. The guide can be downloaded below.

Age Friendly Community Survey final Report

Age Friendly infographic

Age Well Regina: Directory of Regina & Area Services

AFR summary February 2021

Age-Friendly Update for Stakeholders September 2021

Age-Friendly Regina Survey 2021

The Age Friendly Regina Committee is inviting responses to its Age Friendly Community Survey. This survey will help the Committee assess the supports, and challenges faced by older adults in Regina. An age friendly community is one that provides support for everyone to “age actively” – that is to live in security, enjoy good health and continue to participate fully in society. We are looking to have an inclusive and representative response, so we encourage all adults to respond. The answers to the survey will help the Committee advocate for the needs of Regina’s population. All responses are confidential.  This survey should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. For more information on the survey, please contact 

Link to survey: